Program Team

Adam Robe, MSW – Executive Director

Adam joined Happy Family Store as Executive Director in 2013. He previously served as CEO of Foster Care Alumni of America, an advocacy organization focused on improving outcomes for children and families involved in the foster care system. Adam holds a BSW from the University of Central Missouri and a MSW from the University of Kansas. He brings to the Executive Director Position personal experience in the foster care system. Adam was first introduced to foster care and its many challenges at the age of five when his mother placed Adam and his two siblings into foster care. He spent six long years in the system before finally being adopted into a “forever family”. As part of his life’s work, Adam has helped hundreds of foster children and their families adjust to the tough life challenges associated with foster care. He is a nationally recognized professional trainer and, throughout his career, has been a well-regarded keynote speaker in the industry. Adam is also a published author, developing the highly acclaimed Robbie Rabbit™ book series in 2008. These unique books are useful tools for child welfare professionals and the foster or adoptive parents charged with childcare. The adventures of Robbie Rabbit are also entertaining and educational subject matter for the children and families who embrace the series.

Rosa Huber – Director of Development and Communications of Happy Family Store

Rosa joined Happy Family Store in 1995 and has over 25 years of experience directly servicing families with expertise in child development, strengthening family systems, and program development. As Director of Development and Communications, she is responsible for major and minor gift acquisition; special event sponsorship procurement and coordination; all communications activities; building external relationships; and, developing social media and outreach plans for the agency. Rosa developed the marketing plan for the agency, including implementation of rebranding, redesign of materials and revision of the mission and vision in 2016. She is a National Trainer for Circle of Parents®, Circle of Parents® Children Program, and was a member of the team that created the Circle of Parents® model. Rosa has a passion for youth and helping teens. She designed a curriculum for teaching parents and teenagers communication and boundary development skills. She conducts leadership training for youth at the National Lead the Cause Conference and serves on the board of directors for Douglas County Youth Mentors.

Claire Poole. PsyD – Clinical Director

Claire joined the staff of Happy Family Store, as Clinical Director in 1991 to lead and supervise the organization’s Children’s Residential Treatment Center. He holds a BA from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a PsyD degree from the University of Denver. Claire recently retired from his private practice in clinical psychology of more than 30 years while focusing on children, teens, and families and has provided consultations to the Juvenile Diversion Program through the Adams County DHS, Juvenile Division, 18th District. The consultations included topics such as early attachment intervention; sexual abuse treatment; and, older child adoptions. As an adjunct professor, Claire teaches graduate level courses at the University of Denver. He also serves on several dissertation committees and is a presenter at CAFCA and other provider agencies. Claire has also provided annual training to the East High Angels, a group that facilitates one-on-one college-prep tutoring for disadvantaged and minority high school youth and has offered his expertise in training for the Guardian ad Litem and Juvenile Public Defenders offices.

Program Team